Tuesday, October 20, 2009

day 1, part 3

My watch says 3:00 PM.

People are apparently not panicking yet. Target is busy, but not out of essentials. I buy 20 one gallon jugs of water, about 30 cans of vegetables and 10 loaves of bread. The dude at the check-out counter imprints my card and I head out towards the car.

Military convoy headed south on 35.

Are they moving troops from Ft Hood?

Paranoia setting in … military vehicles blocking the roads, the capital building cordoned off, almost a full day of no electricity in the city, no cell service… this may only be short term, but I do not want to be caught with an empty house. Worst comes, I have extra vegetables and water when everything normalizes.

I stop by Academy on the way home and pick up some propane canisters for the Coleman stove and charcoal for the grill. The store is surprisingly slow.

Maybe gas is back on…

My watch says 5:45 PM.

Finally home. No electricity, but the alarm is still kicking. The house is pushing 95 degrees inside.

Fucking Texas summers. Great time for this.

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