Sunday, December 24, 2006

i work hard for my things

So I left town for a couple of days without checking out the envelope. Just a trip to dallas for an overnight with the family. It was nice. A couple good gifts and a little time with the people I love. Didn't even think about what was hanging on my door... until I got back home.
I saw that little white rectangle with complete dread. Decided to avoid it until I got the dog inside and the car unpacked. My dog hates going for car rides; what with the getting horribly sick and all. I took her out and walked her around to help get her legs back. She really just wanted to go inside and drink a gallon or so of water. Poor kid.
We walk back into the garage and through the kitchen door. Nothing looked out of place... at first. I was too concerned with getting the dog some water and dropping the backpack that I didn't notice the sheet of paper on the television screen. I went to the back of the house and switched on the computer to check my email. Nothing. The thought of the envelope on the door hit me. Gotta go check it out.
As I walked through the living room, I finally saw the paper.
What the fuck? Ran a mental check on who has keys to my house... only Todd. The house isn't outrageously cold, don't think there are any broken windows; the doors are all still locked... it could only be Todd. Why was he here, and why didn't he take the envelope off the door? huh, maybe he took a couple movies.
It wasn't from Todd. There was nothing special about the paper... just a generic piece of white printing paper. Again, there was something written... 'envelope' at the top and 'New Years Day' at the bottom. Some weird-ass shit is going on here. I can feel the paranoia growing... someone has been inside my house. Someone has been inside my house without breaking in. I look at the envelope and move to unlock the door.
This isn't just some piece of paper folded up. There is something in this envelope causing a bulge in the lower corner... I tap it... it's soft. I do not like where this is going. I slowly break the seal and look inside.
Thank G-d! It is not a fingertip or thumb. My stomach knots loosen a little. Just a key ring. One key attached to some kind of rounded plastic tube... almost like an oversized pill, thicker at one end than the other. Wait... a key? Too small for a door. Where does this go and what does it have to do with New Years Day? I am so lost right now. What the hell have I gotten myself into?


Trish Finfer said...

You are so mysterious...what kind of crazy freak would do such weird things?

I can think of a few things that key might open, but I will just wait to see how this unfolds. I don't want to ruin any surprises.

doodleBug simkins said...

I am interested to know what you think the key might open. It looks like it goes to a strong box or something