Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The tree wears a skirt

It's not that late, so I shouldn't be too upset about being at the office. The bi-monthly duties of another department aren't being completed on time, so I will be sitting up here doing not much of anything for another hour or so. All for the cause of 'support'. I love being in control of a help desk that isn't really supposed to be a help desk.
Forget it... just a little more time to finish up some other items I need to do. The dog can wait a little longer for her dinner tonight. Poor kid, this is what she looked like last time I fed her late.

Ended up having a good night last night. Went early to have a discussion about the Jewish view of the messiah (just in case anyone is wondering, the basic idea is that the messiah hasn't yet come, but we are a hopeful people. Any day now). Sounds interesting, right? I figured, they were having beer and philosophizing, so it couldn't be all bad. It really wasn't. Interesting people, and sports on the tv behind the rabbi's head. Perfect.
Followed up the philosophy with a little bowling with m7 and monkeycat. Robin (I don't know what her nickname is going to be) made a late appearance and pushed through a game and a beer. Not a particularly good night on the lanes. 156, 131, and 89 or something like that. One beer too many, or just too weak an arm? I pick the latter... I'm quite the pussy.
Made a trip over to mark's to pick up a couple extra invites to the New Years party for some friends... those got returned to me this afternoon with a resounding nope. Thanks, jerks. I kid because I'm hurt. I don't think anyone I invited is going to make it this year (assuming Chris is going to feel too fat again)(and by 'fat' I mean stoned)... What the fuck? Oh well, I'll just have to spend a little more time actually looking for a New Years kiss this year. It was nice to kiss the Caroline last year, but I think I need someone I don't have a history with. Project!
More another time.


Alan said...

I will kiss you and you will like it. I think I'll invite Caroline again so that she can chase you around with her tongue out.

doodleBug simkins said...

Shit, I invited her. And her friends. I do like her friends.

Anonymous said...

Well, I was all about giving you a big wet one at midnight but my partner in crime didn't want us getting all hot and heavy in her presents again. Er - I mean, presence...

doodleBug simkins said...

Wow, my loss apparently.